Message from Julianne Dakin

Welcome to the Peacock Shoppe

Welcome to the Peacock Shoppe

Welcome to the Peacock Shoppe

Hi! My name is Julianne Dakin, and I am very excited about sharing my website with you!

It is a long time overdue (for anyone that knows me, I can hear you chuckling over a cup of tea. Ha, Ha). The Peacock Shoppe was established in 1985. I have always had a passion for helping others and raising awareness about good causes. Being an adopted child, I am so grateful and blessed that I have been given a chance to see life and its fullest potential. God has seen me through and has given me the drive and ambition to show people that together, we can make a difference in this world.

Fashion has also always inspired me, and when you put fashion and good will together you get The Peacock Shoppe! We are all about fun, fashion, family, and making a difference in someone elses life!

The first and foremost inspiration in my life is God, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have been blessed with two beautiful girls, and my soul mate, my husband who has been by my side since 1971. He has always encouraged me to follow my dreams and to dream big. We were blessed with our first born in 1992 after eighteen years of anticipation. Wow, she was such a beautiful gift from God, and such a challenge because she was so medically involved. Shortly after her birth, I moved what portion of my store I could into my garage, so I could be home which was, at this time, was my first priority. Guess what? I discovered I was pregnant again! Another blessing came along, my second child who was also a medical challenge for the first year of her life. With God's blessings, after thirteen years both of my daughters have made great progress and are happy, well-adjusted young girls with deep faith.

The challenges of being adopted and becoming a mother have raffirmed my faith, making me realize that I must somehow give back to someone, somwhere, somehow. God is good. We look forward to sharing this journey with you.

The Peacock Shoppe offers some of the most incredible home products, custom jewelry, creative hand-made gifts, natural body care products, unique clothing items, and children's gifts. We carry hundreds of truly unique products and gift items, and our selections keep growing!

Our goal and ongoing mission is to make people aware that as consumers, they can make conscientious choices that help the world to grow and change in a positive way. We work long and hard to make sure our store is chock full of goods that come from socially responsible companies and organizations. Much of our inventory comes from the Fair Trade Federation, home- based operations, and women’s co-op groups which empower individuals to be self-sufficient and to be able to meet the bare necessities of their everyday lives. Home-based operations allow women to work from home while tending to their children. Women are thus able to explore their passions and use their talents, while working towards meeting the needs of their families.

You can feel good about patronizing The Peacock Shoppe, knowing we have done the homework to assure that your patronage will help and encourage our co-ops and Fair Trade people. Together we can assure these people continued work, self-reliance, and lots of dignity.

We realize that by ourselves, The Peacock Shoppe cannot change the world, but by helping to spread the word and by joining together with those who care, we can move towards nourishing positive new beginnings.

Our other priority is to team up with and conduct fundraisers for local organizations like Hospice, Breast Cancer, Foster & Adoption care, and other worthy causes. We’d love to work with you too, so give us a call. If you have any great suggestions or know of any websites with a shared philosophy, please send us an email! We'd love to hear about it!

Please share your thoughts and ideas with us. Your participation is vital to our mission. Please respond! We would love to hear from you!
